This Administrative Dashboard is for preview purposes only. Click each tab at the top of the screen (Home, SLA Records, Post-Test Codes, Raw Data, and Account Status) to explore the features available to an advisor or faculty member.

After exploring the features of the Administrative Dashboard, select the “Conclude SLA Demonstration” button at bottom of the screen for additional resources.

Dashboard Features

The menu tabs at the top of the screen provide access to the following features:

  • Home:  A quick overview of the dashboard and its functionalities.

  • SLA Records:  Search for individual students and access detailed reports, including:
    • SLA Student Report:  View the student’s SLA scores, scale interpretations, and personalized recommendations.
    • Item Responses:  See the student’s detailed responses to all SLA items.
    • Pre- and Post-Test Comparison:  (For students who have taken both tests) Compare the student’s responses on the pre- and post-tests side-by-side.

  • Post-Test Codes: Search for post-test codes for each student who has taken the SLA pre-test. A Post-Test Code is required to take the post-test.

  • Raw Data: Download an Excel or SPSS file containing your group’s raw data, including student names, email addresses, post-test codes, administration date and time, 11 scale and raw scores, and individual item responses.

  • Account Status: View the number of administrations remaining in your account.

  • Logout: Sign out of the dashboard.

SLA User’s Manual

The SLA User’s Manualopen in new window includes a history of the assessment’s development, a complete description of the 11 scales, a section on administration and scoring, results of pilot and field testing, and the process used in scale construction.

Need More Administrations?

To order additional administrations or request a quote, please visit our online storeopen in new window, call us at (727) 389-8026, or send us an email. When reordering note your Group Number (######) so we can update your account.

After exploring the features of the Administrative Dashboard, select the “Conclude SLA Demonstration” button for additional resources.