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0001 Meaning of Words and Phrases
0002 Main Idea and Supporting Details
0003 Analyze Relationship Among Ideas
0004 Critical-Reasoning Skills
Opinion, Point of View, or Position
Assumptions on Validity of an Argument
Logical Arguments and Faulty Reasoning
Fact and Opinion
0005 Apply Skills for Summarizing, Outlining, and Interpreting
Practice Reading Tests

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0004 Use Critical-Reasoning Skills to Evaluate Written Material

Interpret a Passage to Determine the Writer's Opinion, Point of View, or Position on an Issue

An author’s attitude is the "voice" or "tone" toward the subject of the passage. It is often directly related to the purpose. A useful technique for determining an author's attitude is to envision the sound of the author's voice as if he/she were reading the passage aloud.

Attitude indicates the writer's mood. Common descriptors of an author's attitude are adjectives like: cynical, depressed, sympathetic, cheerful, outraged, positive, angry, sarcastic, prayerful, ironic, solemn, vindictive, intense, and excited.

To better understand a passage, a reader is advised to identify the author's attitude. This practice will improve comprehension of the ideas and conclusions of a passage.

