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Language Arts:
Grammar and Usage
0007 Demonstrate Command of Standard Usage
0008 Mechanical Conventions
Language Arts:
0009 Purpose and Audience
0010 Unity, Focus, Development, and Organization
0011 Editing and Revision Strategies
0012 Recognizing Effective Communication
Practice Writing Tests
0013 Prepare an Organized, Developed Composition

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0008 Understand and Apply Knowledge of Mechanical Conventions in Edited English in the United States

Recognize Instances in which Incorrect or Extraneous Punctuation Has Been Used or Necessary Punctuation Has Been Omitted

Use a semicolon in the following situations:

  • Between parts of sentences which already contain commas

    Example: The starting lineup includes Mary Gardner, forward; Jean Phillips, center; and Helen Weaver, guard.

  • Between independent clauses if either clause contains other commas.

    Example: She is a beautiful, talented, young woman; but she will have trouble getting to Hollywood, New York, or Boston because of her attitude.

  • Between independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb such as however, therefore, moreover, furthermore, consequently, or on the other hand

    Example: The test began on time; however, we were late getting out of class

