An outline showing the objectives of the Reading for Virginia Educators: Elementary and Special Education (5306) test is shown below.

I. Assessment and Diagnostic Teaching

  • Understand the characteristics and uses of assessment and screening measures for evaluating students’ language proficiency and reading skills.
  • Understand the use of assessment data to plan reading instruction.

II. Oral Language and Oral Communication

  • Understand the development of oral language and oral communication skills.
  • Understand the development of phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness.

III. Reading Development

  • Understand how to promote students’ understanding of concepts of print and basic phonetic principles.
  • Understand explicit, systematic phonics instruction.
  • Understand word-analysis skills and vocabulary development.
  • Understand the development of reading fluency and reading comprehension.
  • Understand reading comprehension strategies for fiction and poetry.
  • Understand reading comprehension strategies for nonfiction.

IV. Writing and Research

  • Understand writing skills and processes.
  • Understand how to promote students’ knowledge of correct spelling, usage, and other writing mechanics.
  • Understand writing and reading as tools for inquiry and research.

V. Analysis and Application (Covered in Part B: Constructed-Response Questions)

  • The candidate will apply knowledge of assessment and diagnostic teaching to prepare an organized written response to a constructed-response question.
  • The candidate will apply knowledge of the elements of reading development to prepare an organized written response to a constructed-response question.
  • The candidate will apply knowledge of the elements of writing and research to prepare an organized written response to a constructed-response question.

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